Monday, October 17, 2011

Connect 11 User Conference: Should We Have Named It Mobility 11?

Last week Amcom held its national user conference in Chicago, Connect 11. We had hundreds of attendees spanning customers, partners, and employees. The most amazing part was that we all had a common goal in getting together: to discuss how today’s organizations can better use technology to improve communications—often when lives are on the line and seconds really do count.

Mobility was such a powerful theme during the event that we could have renamed it Mobility 11. Sessions were buzzing. Some hospitals talked about their approaches to get clinical information from machines that go beep straight to caregivers’ mobile devices. Others showed how they have shaved precious minutes off door-to-balloon times by getting specific messages to a host of people who need to come quickly and help. And there were plenty of hospitals excited about their new way of sending critical messages to smartphones—reliably, securely, quickly and with high accountability.

We learned a lot from our customers. Not only about how they do things today, but also how they’d like to do them in the future. We also hope our customers learned a bit about how Amcom views the changes going on right now in communications technology and how we’re planning to help customers with their initiatives in mobile communications, helping people connect more easily, and simplifying daily tasks.

We got a lot of feedback that the content on smartphone and tablet messaging was very timely. Many of our users were also excited to learn about a solution we’ll be launching in the next few months…more on that soon!

Thanks to all of the customers and partners who attended Connect 11. We look forward to continuing the great conversations we got started in the
Windy City.